
CEO Sajid Gulzar to move on from Prince Albert Community Trust

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the departure of Sajid Gulzar from his position as CEO of Prince Albert Community Trust. After more than 26 years of serving children across Birmingham and 14 dedicated years of service at PACT Sajid has decided to take on an exciting new role in Dubai with Kings’ Education.

Resource Base Consultation

Consultation on Proposal to add an Autistic Spectrum Disorder Specialist Resource Base at Prince Albert High School from 1st September 2023

Our Proposal 

Prince Albert Community Trust would like to hear your views on our proposal for Prince Albert High School, 115 Holford Drive, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B42 2TU, to add a 40 place Autistic Specialist Resource Base from 1st September 2023.

We appreciate that young people with autism can struggle to engage with learning and cope in a classroom without additional strategies and interventions. A Resource Base will support the young people to overcome their barriers to learning, be better able to cope and to be re-integrated into a mainstream setting in which they can achieve their potential. 


Safer Internet Day 2023




We've just signed up to the #SaferInternetDay supporters list! What are you doing for the day? Find out more by visiting

PA High student announced as Barclays Game Changer

We are thrilled to announce that a student at PA High has been selected to become a Barclays Game Changer. The Barclays Game Changer scheme aims to recruit young female footballers who can help to influence and engage others to play football in their schools and local community. Rumaysa was chosen by King Edwards VI Partnership Develop Manager, Helen Tonks for her love of football and passion for inspiring and involving others to play.

School Attendance 2022/2023

Dear Parent/Carer,

This is an important update about school attendance for the 2022/23 academic year.
Prince Albert High School is working in partnership with parents and the Local Authority to improve school attendance.

Please refer to the full letter.. School Attendance 2022/2023


Welcome Back!

We hope you enjoyed the summer break and look forward to welcoming all pupils back to school on Wednesday 7th September.

Safer Internet Day 2022

We've just signed up to the #SaferInternetDay supporters list! What are you doing for the day? Find out more

Certificate for Safer Internet Day 22


Prince Albert High School Opening Ceremony

On Thursday 18th November Prince Albert High School celebrated its grand opening with a ceremony which saw the unveiling of a plaque by Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai. 

Distinguished guests joined the special occasion which saw Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai deliver an empowering and inspirational speech on the importance of education and equal opportunities for all. Malala spoke passionately of the role schools play in being a safe place for students to explore their own potential, providing rich opportunities for students to explore. 


Contact Us

Prince Albert High School
115 Holford Drive
Perry Barr
B42 2TU

By Phone: 0121 817 8952



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